The earlier seasons saw Mr Tay, a stern father struggling to hold on to a familiar way of life amidst tumultuous changes that threaten the unity and solidarity of the family. Some of the most memorable moments include the death of Mrs Tay, Vicki's divorce with her unfaithful doctor husband, Tammy's University graduation, David's decision to move to England and Gary's marriage to Karen.
Growing Up (1996)
Growing Up (1996) is the first season of the Growing Up series and is one of the English-language dramas in Singapore which was produced by MediaCorp. The show had a total of six seasons and the background of the show was set between the 1960s to the 1980s in Singapore. It debuted in 1996 and the final season of the show was screened on December 2001. It stars Lim Kay Tong as Mr Tay, Andrew Seow as Gary Tay, Irin Gan as Vicky Tay, Steven Lim as David Tay and Jamie Yeo as Tammy Tay.
Image credits to https://contentdistribution.mediacorp.sg/products/growing_up?variant=3616882196520